If you've been searching for donated auction or raffle items, you've come to the right place! We've partnered with hundreds of generous businesses who have posted fun experiences for you to convert into big donations.
When a business posts an experience to TravelPledge, they specify donation criteria, the number of certificates to issue, and redemption instructions. Follow these steps to access items you qualify for and promote them at your auction.
Tell us about your fundraiser! We'll verify your nonprofit status and determine which experiences you qualify for. Creating your account is free with no obligation.
Select from B&B stays, local golf, luxury trips and other donated and partially donated experiences available to your event. Then, print flyers or load item information into your online auction system.
Promote your selections with confidence knowing you won't owe anything on experiences that don't sell, and you'll keep at least 40% of each winning bid...often much more! See below for an example.
After your event, log in to report winning bidders' contact information and bids. Upon payment, we'll email and text each winning bidder their certificate and the redemption instructions from the experience provider.
Raffle items are available to purchase before your drawing for a fraction of retail value. Once we receive payment, you'll gain immediate access to the certificate for printing.
Each experience on TravelPledge displays a "percent you keep" of 40%, 60%, or 80% of the winning bid, as determined by the provider's donation settings. Our unique value share model guarantees you generate a meaningful donation.
Suppose you select the pictured vacation and, as instructed, start the bidding at $1,000. A donor named Judy Smith wins the vacation with a bid of $2,000.
After your event, you report Judy's bid and pay your invoice in TravelPledge. Since the "percent you keep" is 60%, your invoice shows $800 (40%) while you keep $1,200 (60%) as your net donation.
To book her vacation, Judy contacts Tombstone Monument Ranch per the redemption instructions.
Want to learn more? Schedule a chat with a TravelPledge fundraising specialist.